The Benefits of Sports Physical Therapy

The Benefits of Sports Physical Therapy

September 29, 2022

When we experience pain or limited mobility due to an injury, surgery, or illness, we seek out physical therapy to help relieve our symptoms and get us back to normal. Depending on your injury or lifestyle, you may need to seek a specialized physical therapist.

In most cases, this is true for athletes.

While physical therapy benefits most individuals, it is especially beneficial to athletes. Both professional and amateur athletes are harder on their bodies compared to the average person. Because athletes put a lot of demand on their bodies, it makes them more prone to injury, and they require extra consideration when it comes to recovery. Sports physical therapy is crucial to the recovery process.

Sports injury physical therapy helps someone rebuild strength and movement after an injury. Physical therapists specializing in sports medicine also help athletes manage pain and prevent avoidable issues in the future.

Keep reading to learn more about some of the biggest benefits sports physical therapy offers to modern athletes

3 Major Benefits of Sports Injury Physical Therapy

When you are actively involved in sports, it’s important to listen to your body–both on and off the field. If you are currently experiencing any pain, are recovering from a recent injury, or feel like your performance has plateaued, you can benefit from physical therapy.

Here are some of the many benefits of enrolling in sports physical therapy.

1. Sports Injury Treatment

Most people seek physical therapy to treat current injuries. Some injuries are very common among athletes, such as knee injuriesankle fracturesrotator cuff injuries, and broken bones. Sports physiotherapists can create a treatment plan that speeds up recovery time without the need for surgery. 

What makes sports injury physical therapy a little different from regular physical therapy is that our experts develop an individualized treatment program to quickly and safely return the athlete to competitive sports. At Mid-County Physical Therapy, we aim to have our patients return to competition at a high level of performance as quickly and safely as possible. 

Some treatment options for athletes may include

Your physical therapist will determine the best course of treatment depending on your injuries and unique situation.

2. Prevent Future Sports Injuries

In addition to helping you recover from current injuries, sports physical therapy can also help you prevent future injuries. While injuries are unpredictable and it’s impossible to prevent everything, sports physiotherapists can assess your strengths and weaknesses and design a customized training plan that helps strengthen muscles to help support joints.

Faulty biomechanics and muscle weakness are common causes of sports-related injuries. By working under the guidance of a skilled physical therapist, athletes receive an exercise program that focuses on maintaining muscle strength and endurance, as well as correcting any biomechanical insufficiencies.

Additionally, your sports physical therapist can help you work on your technique and form. When you have a better understanding of positioning and moving your body properly, you reduce some of the risks of pulling a muscle or injuring a ligament.

3. Relaxation

One benefit to sports injury physical therapy that not all athletes consider is its relaxing and therapeutic properties. Cool-downs are just as important to sports and exercise as warm-ups. Sports physical therapy is an important way for athletes to relax their muscles, regain energy, and have an overall healthier body.

Your physical therapy routine will often include soft tissue mobilization, breathing exercises, and/or other treatments to reduce stress. Not only do these prove physical benefits, but they also provide many mental benefits, too. In addition to seeing immediate results, our patients in our Athletic Injury Program find that they sleep better and are more comfortable at night thanks to physical therapy treatment.

Sports Physical Therapy at Mid-County Physical Therapy

Athletes of all ages, sizes, and disciplines can benefit from the Athletic Injury Program at Mid-County Physical Therapy. We believe that child and adult athletes deserve the treatment options to get that back on the field, back on the court, or back on the track safely and quickly.

At Mid-County Physical Therapy, we know that no two athletes are alike. No matter your sport or your injury, you will receive specialized care through our Sports Injury Physical Therapy Program. Most athletes who seek sports physical therapy with us notice considerable improvement within their first week.

Time is the most important factor when it comes to sports injury physical therapy, so don’t wait to receive the treatment you need! Reach out to Mid-County Physical Therapy today and let us put you on the path to a full recovery and improved physical performance.

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